
It May Be Radiation

Insomnia or interrupted sleep is all too common. The brain detoxes during sleep so lack of sleep will lead to accumulation of toxins in the brain. This is one reason insomnia is strongly linked to developing Alzheimer’s Disease.

While there are many reasons for insomnia or sleep issues – high blood sugar, sleep apnea, magnesium deficiency, low melatonin production, lack of seeing blue skies during the day, blue light from screens, heavy metals in the brain, etc. – EMR or electromagnetic radiation is a cause that is often overlooked. Children with autism can also be very sensitive to EMR.

Radiation in your Bedroom

Whether you suffer from insomnia or wake up frequently, reducing electromagnetic radiation in your bedroom can make a big difference to both quality and quantity of sleep.

We are exposed to much higher levels of radiation than our ancestors. And there is plenty of evidence that this affects our health. EMR has been linked to sleep disruption and shown to suppress the immune system, and even change your gut flora! Pathogens have been shown to increase in organisms exposed to EM radiation, while beneficial bacteria decrease.

EMR has increased exponentially in the last 10-15 years. We are now drenched in high-frequency radiation such as Wi-Fi, cordless phones, Bluetooth, transmission towers (UMTS, 4G, 5G), and cell phones 24 hours a day.

In addition, low-frequency radiation such as electric fields from electrical cables and outlets in walls and ceilings usually originates within a couple of feet of our pillow. Who doesn’t have an outlet and lamp an arm’s length away while sleeping?

How to reduce high-frequency Radiation

While other causes of insomnia are much harder to address, reducing radiation is relatively easy and well worth it. Here are things you can do:

  1. Keep cell phone out of your bedroom or at least put them in airplane mode at night. Best charge your devices away from your bedroom.
  2. Turn off the Wi-Fi router at night, as well as WIFI extenders! Consider purchasing a low radiation router such as this one. This will only emit radiation when your devices ask for Wi-Fi, and is radiation-free when you are not using Wi-Fi. You can also program any router to turn off at a certain time at night and switch back on in the morning.
  3. If you have a cordless home phone, its base station continuously emits radiation. So don’t put this near your bedroom! 2.4 GHz is absorbed by water molecules, disrupting the structured water in your cells. And cells losing structured water has been linked to cancer. Best use a corded landline phone.
  4. Turn off Bluetooth on your device when you are not using it. Phones, wireless headphones and speakers continue to actively search and transmit a signal.
  5. Put your laptop into airplane mode. Laptops are constantly searching for a Wifi signal even if your router is switched off. Better still, use an old-fashioned ethernet cable where possible.
  6. Minimize screen use just before bedtime. The blue light emitted by electronic devices can disrupt your sleep (melatonin).

Given the choice, move as far away from cell towers as possible. While you can shield your home with radiation-blocking net curtains, EMF-blocking paint on walls and ceiling and EMF blocking materials in floors, this is expensive and, if not done right, can actually amplify the radiation.

Reducing Electromagnetic Fields

  1. Ditch your clock radio and buy a simple battery-powered alarm clock. Digital clock radios continuously emit low-grade magnetic and electric fields.
  2. Electric fields. Keep 1 meter distance between your bed and anything electrical. So no (extension) cords, power strips, lamps, etc. under or within 1 meter next to the bed. Try to keep 1 meter distance between your bed and electrical outlets. Turn things off when not in use. When doing so, also unplug them. This is because there can be an electric field around appliances and around the cord when plugged in, depending on which way around the plug is plugged in.
  3. Don’t feel like unplugging all the time? Then you can also use a double-pole plug switch. With these switches, connected devices can be switched off completely. You can then be sure that the electric field around the cord and device is reduced to zero no matter which way around the plug is.
  4. If you have severe electrical sensitivity you may want to have mains disconnect switches installed. These will cut the power to lights and outlets at your switch box and can be remotely operated. This way you can cut all power in your bedroom or upper floor at night. Flip it back on with a remote control by your bed. After all, your walls are full of unshielded electrical wires emitting strong electric and magnetic fields all around you.
  5. Alternatively, you can install Stetzer filters on your outlets which cut EMR. You will have to assess your outlets for dirty electricity first. More on this here.
  6. Use old fashioned incandescent light bulbs. CFL and LED bulbs emit much stronger electromagnetic fields. If you want to use LED, look out for hospital-grade bulbs which emit less EMR.

If you or someone in your family suffers from electrical sensitivity, or if you have an autistic child, you may want to call a building biologist. A building biologist uses professional equipment to measure EMR and dirty electricity on your home and can advise you how to mitigate it, or how to properly install shielding.

Turn your bedroom into a low-radiation sanctuary and sleep well!

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