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Is the Keto Diet best for Weight Loss?

Is the Keto Diet best for Weight Loss?

If your New Year's resolution includes losing weight, you may be looking for the best diet to achieve your goals. You may have heard of the Keto diet, Paleo, Low Carb or even Carnivore. You may have friends that swear by one or the other, or maybe you have tried Keto...

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Can’t Sleep?

Can’t Sleep?

It May Be Radiation Insomnia or interrupted sleep is all too common. The brain detoxes during sleep so lack of sleep will lead to accumulation of toxins in the brain. This is one reason insomnia is strongly linked to developing Alzheimer's Disease. While there are...

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Stress & Weight Loss

Stress & Weight Loss

As for many people, your New Year’s resolution may include letting go of some extra pounds to improve your health and wellbeing. Or maybe you have tried before and are frustrated with weight not coming off despite best efforts. Or your excess weight returned promptly...

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